A time window 400 mio. years ago
The classic site Bundenbach im Hunsrück mit ihren mehr als 270 Tierarten ist weltweit das bedeutendste Vorkommen aus der Zeit des (Unteren) Devon vor rund 400 Millionen Jahren.
The fossils owe their unique preservation to special circumstances. The remains of organisms are often pyritized as a result of early diagenetic bacterial processes and allow in addition to mechanical preparation imaging using X-Ray technology.
The habitat conditions, long the subject of controversial discussions, were only partially clarified as a result of the „Nahecaris“ project in 1997.
After a long interruption, intensive scientific investigation of this uniquely preserved site had barely begun when roofing slate mining in Bundenbach (Eschenbach-Bocksberg mine) was stopped in 1999 and has since been filled in.
There is a ray of hope in 2019. The traditional company Theis-Böger announces the "reopening of the Frühberg mine: Due to the increased demand for German slate, new slate deposits are being developed in open-cast mining".
The discoveries of See lilies, Starfish, crabs and Fish have been famous worldwide for 150 years now. The details are unique.
Bundenbach is also the site of discovery for the early evolutionary history of arthropods: only here are fossils found that explain the shape and lifestyle of today's arthropods.
This was the main focus of scientists at the University of Bonn, led by Prof. J. Rust. They described sensational finds, including Schinderhannes, named after the legendary robber chief who wreaked havoc in the Hunsrück.
Another unique find: Captopodus poschmanni, named in honor of M. Poschmann from the Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe of Rhineland-Palatinate. An enigmatic, primitive raptor that probably moved by swimming.
There is no important natural science Museum that does not have finds from Bundenbach in its collection. -> more informations
Fossil deposits comparable to Bundenbach have the status of UNESCO World Heritage Sites (e.g. Messel), UNESCO Global Geopark (Holzmaden) or are among the top scientifically important geological sites in the world (e.g. Solnhofen). Almost all of them have an important museum attached as a tourist attraction. Not so in Bundenbach. Here there is a danger that this outstanding natural heritage will be forgotten.
"It is very regrettable that such finds cannot be seen in their entirety in a modern information center in Bundenbach itself, so that the finds would do justice to their worldwide importance" (Dr. Wuttke 2011). -> more informations
On 12.2024 a petition was initiated, a new attempt with the aim of making a new fossil museum in Bundenbach possible -> more informations in english
With your signature you support the efforts of the local and municipal authorities to exploit the Bundenbach fossils at the site where they were found.
30 renowned professors of geology and paleontology and numerous committed citizens support the initiative!
"I strongly support the petition for a fossil museum in Bundenbach. The Hunsrück slate is of inestimable importance for paleontological and evolutionary biology research, as it contains uniquely well-preserved fossils from the Devonian period. These finds provide valuable insights into the evolution of early life forms and make a significant contribution to understanding the history of the earth. A new museum in Bundenbach would not only preserve and present these scientifically significant discoveries, but would also promote education, research and tourism in the region. It is a unique opportunity to secure this cultural and scientific heritage and make it accessible to a wider public. Let us support this project together!"
Prof. Dr. Gert Wörheide, München
"Thanks to its excellent preservation, the Hunsrück slate offers a unique insight into the ecology and evolution of marine organisms of the early Devonian, the beginning of one of the most exciting and significant eras in the history of the earth ... with inestimable value for understanding ecosystem developments and the associated changes in the global climate (keyword: carbon dioxide sequestration as a result of massive biogenic calcium carbonate production, soil formation, plants, coal, black slate, etc.). Such data are essential in order to put current changes in the global climate and ecosystems into context and to put possible scenarios for further development on a more solid basis. Only a new Bundenbach Fossil Museum can do justice to the importance of this outstanding fossil deposit!"
Prof. Dr. Bernd R. Schöne, Mainz
"A site of world renown, one of the best windows into the world of the Devonian, one of the great paleontological sites in Germany - but unfortunately the only one without a museum on site."
Prof. Dr. P. Martin Sander, Bonn
You can find more Statements from prominent signatories -> here.
Suggestions and ideas on how the goals mentioned in the petition can be implemented in concrete terms can be found -> here in english.
The symposium "In the Valley of the Millennia" - Fossils, Slate and History - addressed the future of the Bundenbach Fossil Museum from June 20-21, 2024.
The Landesmuseum Birkenfeld showed a special exhibition from April 2nd to December 31st, 2023.
Since 2015, this site has pursued the goal of reminding people of the uniqueness of the fossil Schätze from the Bundenbach mining area. To promote this, to encourage the creation of a new Fossil museum, to intensify contacts with collectors and possibly to give old pieces a new shine through professional Preparation this is the hope associated with this site. Let yourself be infected by the enthusiasm.
Best of Bundenbach Fossils
Forgotten Skill
Images of Old Times and Science
On our own behalf: Fossil search